Cruelty-free face painting for animals and workers
Kids love animals. Kids always want to be painted as animals! So why would we use paints that have been tested on animals, or contain animal products? Our face paints are not tested on animals (poor bunnies!), and even our paint brushes contain no animal hair. They’re also made in the US and are sweat-shop free. We are super-duper proud of this!
The highest sanitation and safety
We’ll never get tired of saying it: all of our face paints are FDA- and EU-approved cosmetics. Our clients expect a lot from us, and we expect a lot of our cosmetics! You can read more about our high sanitation standards, professional artists, background checks, and more on our blog.

Single-sourced, biodegradable balloon twisting
All of our balloons come from latex trees in Barranquilla, Columbia, South America. The parent company that harvests the latex, Sempertex, falls into all European Union safety guidelines, which are higher and more-thoroughly checked than the FDA.
Our balloon animals can last for up to two weeks in your home, but won’t last forever in a landfill! Because they are made from 100% natural latex, they are biodegradable. Little research has been done on exactly how long a used balloon will last for, but our supplier and their competition have all said, depending on the conditions, the balloons will decompose in somewhere between a year to five years in a landfill or outdoors. Read more about balloons & the environment here!
As a reminder, children with a latex allergy will be allergic to our balloons. We’ve never had an accidentally reaction while working because we take care in containing any balloon scraps or popped balloons, but we want to make sure everyone stays safe!
Fair labor practices mean amazing artists
All of our artists and office workers are paid living wages–always well above minimum wage, and usually one of the highest wages they’ve ever been paid! Our amazing artists are all moms, students, or juggling multiple jobs, and most have student loans. Paying fair wages not only is better for them, but for our clients! They’re also given incentivized raises and bonuses as they improve their work, so our team is constantly getting better.
They love their jobs and it shows in their work! You won’t find a team of artists more dedicated anywhere.